Regenerative Therapies Could Restore Erectile Function

Men of virtually all ages could run into temporary and sometimes permanent problems with their erectile functions. A variety of potential causes could make it very difficult for them to become erect and maintain it for sexual intercourse.

The problem generally is more common among older males than it is for younger males due to changes in body chemistry. Those changes include reductions in natural testosterone and other biological factors that commonly affect older men.

Fortunately, several regenerative therapies could reverse the causes of erectile dysfunction. The following are four very promising regenerative therapies that help to restore damaged muscles and nerves that are crucial to erectile functions.

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Plasma that contains four times more levels of platelets than normal deliver a variety of beneficial growth factors that help to regenerate damaged nerves. The fluid contains other beneficial compounds that can help to reverse the causes of erectile dysfunction. A series of injections deliver the platelet-rich plasma to the affected areas.

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells that are harvested from bone marrow, umbilical cords, and other sources can deliver growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines to damaged nerves and spur their regeneration. Their growth factors greatly offset the effects of erectile dysfunction by regenerating damaged nerves and other soft tissue.

Low-Level Shockwave

A treatment that sends a very low level of electrical pulses to your afflicted areas can help to stimulate and create new blood vessels that help to restore normal erectile functions. The new blood vessels help to deliver the blood flow necessary for an erection to occur and maintain it. Increasing circulation and flooding the afflicted area with your body’s naturally produced stem cells and progenitor cells help to improve erectile function and regenerate nerves.

Amniotic Fluid

Amniotic fluid works similarly to stem cells to regenerate damaged nerves by delivering a variety of growth factors. It also provides your afflicted area with anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic factors that counteract damage to nerves and soft tissue. Amniotic fluid primarily enables early recovery from erectile dysfunction but is not a long-term solution.

Clinical Trials Suggest the Therapies Might Be Available Soon

Human clinical trial studies affirm the benefits of the various emerging therapies for treating erectile dysfunction.